
Our database with almost 100,000 wines from around the world

"Never say never ."  - We get you almost every wine in the world..

Important to know:

  • HOW URGENT do you need the wine?
  • HOW MANY bottles are you looking for?
  • TELL us your MAXIMUM PRICE .

These 3 factory are very important for the best offer.

Search for your desired wine in our advanced search or send us your request by email - we can do it!

Search for your desired wine in our advanced search or send us your request by mail - Wir can do it!

Separate terms and conditions for "FOHRINGER WINE BROKER SERVICE"

In addition to the general terms and conditions of IWB Hubert Fohringer GmbH, the following terms and conditions apply to the purchase of wines from "FOHRINGER WINE BROKER SERVICE":

  • Wines indicated with "Broker " are not in stock items - we can obtain them for you (short-term – medium or long term)
  • Subject to goods being unsold - availability must therefore always be checked
  • For optimal quotation (price – delivery time – agency costs) we need the exact quantity and your desired delivery time
  • Please note that delivery costs are always charged sperately and also separate agency costs can be added – approx. €25 to €50 per unit (no matter if 1 or 12 bottles)
    However, you will always receive our quotation with the subscription costs and shipping costs in advance.
  • Shipping in original wooden crates is unfortunately difficult and associated with additional costs
  • Minimum order quantity €250 - wines up to €50 in trading units of 12 bottles - wines up to €100,00 in tradig units of 6 bottles
  • Single-bottles or small order quantities, as well as express delivery are available on request
  • Payment has to be made within 5 days after receipt of our order confirmation or invoice – only then is the order confirmed by us
  • Delivery term about 14 to 30 days (depending on the partner)
  • Multiple denominations of articles are possible. This is because some wines come from different trading partners or have different bottle conditions
  • Important! The "Fohringer wine broker service" wines are expressly excluded from the return
  • You are welcome to give us your maximum price for each wine!